Senin, 19 Maret 2012

Puerto Rico's Primary Gives Rise to Bid Luis Fortuno State

Puerto Rico's Primary Gives Rise to Bid Luis Fortuno State: The most important issue for the governor Luis Fortuno of Puerto Rico at the Republican primary, can not be at the head of the list of most Latin Americans, and Mitt Romney hopes that approval will win Latino voters.

Fortuno is growing in Puerto Rico to become a state, and he sees Romney as an ally.

Former Massachusetts governor sympathizes with Puerto Rico and more openly pro-government camp that his party rivals. High, while rival Romney, Rick Santorum, on Wednesday called for Puerto Rico to accept English as the official language of the island as a condition for the formation of the state, Romney said Puerto Rico must be taken into the union without such a condition, if its citizens decided to vote to participate in the referendum scheduled for November 6.

"It makes sense," said Fox News Fortuno. "We were part of the United States since 1898. Natural Born citizen since 1917. Our men and women served in more than in most states since then. And I think that's what you need to do in the 21st century, to nearly 4 million U.S. citizens to express our will and to work with the White House, and we hope that President Romney to solve this problem. "

U.S. President Barack Obama is not an official position on the status of Puerto Rico, saying that he would respect the decision of the voters of the island.

Only voters Fortuno related to the Progressive Conservative Party was allowed a new vote in the Republican primary of the island this year - a requirement that the pro-Republican Puerto Ricans are subject to state its support for the state.

In combination with the advantages of error and approval Fortuno Santorum with the local press, Romney went to an easy victory, taking about 83 percent of the vote, and all 20 delegates at stake of about 130,000 Puerto Ricans to vote in a primary school Thursday, according to the Associated Press.

The victory of courage to Romney, who questioned the bad among Hispanics nationally.

"Those people who do not think the Latino vote for a Republican to take a look at Puerto Rico," said Romney. "I'm going to be our nominee and I intend to get the Hispanic vote for Republicans."

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