Senin, 01 Agustus 2011

Mark Bittman on Shine: Plum Chicken Salad

Chicken with Plums farms perfect here, but delicious with almost any fruit, try peaches, apples, pears, berries or tropical fruits, after all. You can vary the nuts, too - check out the changes.

Cookbook Get important nutrients.

Plum Chicken Salad

4 servings

Duration: 30 minutes

continue with the cooked chicken

About 8 ounces of fresh plums, pitted and sliced

2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar

3 / 4 cup chopped almonds

Salt and black pepper

1 tablespoon chopped fresh oregano or 1 teaspoon

1 / 4 cup olive oil

2 stalks celery, thinly sliced

1 / 2 chopped red onion

8 ounces roasted or grilled boneless, skinless chicken, sliced ​​or grated (about 2 cups)

6 cups mesclun (mixed greens such), torn into small pieces

Add the first prunes and vinegar in large bowl. Cover and refrigerate for at least 15 minutes to 2 hours.

2. Meanwhile, place the almonds in a dry skillet over medium heat and toast, shaking skillet frequently, until aromatic and starting to darken, 3-5 minutes. Remove from heat and let cool.

3. Sprinkle the plums with salt and pepper and add oregano, oil, celery, onion and chicken and mix. Taste and adjust seasoning if necessary. (Salad can be prepared ahead to this point and refrigerated up to one hour.) To serve, divide evenly among 4 plates and the green top of each piece of chicken with the mixture of plums, or add green container and discard all together. Garnish with toasted almonds.

Chicken salad with figs. Replace the fresh figs, quartered, plums and walnuts instead of almonds.

Nutrition Cookbook offers ideas for cooking most complete and simple and easy to make delicious dishes for you and good for the planet. Issues of food cookbook is an encyclopedia and indispensable guide to eating in a responsible way, more than 500 recipes that capture the typical relaxed approach, Bittman at all in the kitchen. There are moving your fingers here, in case no frills and very flexible to eat more plants and reduce animal products, processed foods and junk over. But Bittman, changing the relationship between your diet anything virtuous, and better for your body does not exclude certain foods, in fact, there are no victims here. When the voice that is easy going and impractical, Bittman demonstrates the satisfaction and pleasure of eating consciously.

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