Senin, 25 Juli 2011

Dating blunders even smart men make

The men - even very smart people - can have all kinds of pitfalls, pratfalls, and strange situations on the road to search for True Romance. I'm one of these threats to the XY-OHS clear ring true with you?

Choosing a mate of his appearance

Of course, looking at the issue. But be careful what you wish: "What happens to me often with a guy who is dating a beautiful woman, is that it starts with great feeling that is hot with that person," said Ron May, a psychologist in private practice Madison, WI, part of the editorial board of the psychology of men and masculinity. "But then I began to fear that other men she wants. He gets jealous, and can undermine the relationship."

Assuming that you are being "reasonable"

Men often undeserved proud to be rational, but the fact is that "each side has a reasonable means can be unreasonable at times," said Daniel L. Buccino, a social worker and assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, MD. "Early in the relationship, when there is a lot of hormones, and lust, people sometimes forget the underlying problems. If a woman misbehaves, groped her partner can be convinced that this is OK, which and that will not behave this way because all women are more emotional than men. The reality may be simply that it is not a suitable partner for him. "

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Buccino says: "I often see the stage to address the" good "is called with the" average "man, when results are at the same time difficult. Despite its soft exterior, a man can be very controlling many questions. You really have to have things their way. Try to do this in what appears to be a very nice and reasonable, but when the emotional response to their lack of flexibility, you can step back and say "Of course I'm the only reasonable." Then you feel good. "

Trying to "fix" everything

In presenting the report of the challenge, the men often return to Mr. Fix-It mode. "And 'a man of product grown in a culture that emphasizes management. Much of our work is oriented towards understanding things and rationalize things," says May. These skills are equally important when it comes to relationships, with facial expressions and nonverbal messages are the key to good communication. "A woman might say," When you're traveling for a business trip, I began to feel alone and scared, "he says." Classic response "too rational" male - "This makes no sense, you're successful woman in a lot of friends" - canceled his true feeling, wish and want to feel close to her husband. "

Suppress negative feelings

Surprisingly, many men are the epitome of the emotions of men as scary as a dark room is that of a small child. "Men are often afraid that if they allow themselves to be angry, they'll become violent as a therapist, I try to get them to talk if they have lost control of their anger, I ask .." Did you ever hit someone or damaged property? "Said Bob Maslow, a clinical psychologist in private practice in Charlottesville, Virginia, and author of men, women and power of empathy.". When they realize they do not have to give them the support they need confidence that they will be able to express their anger in a non-destructive, "Maslow said," If you always bury your anger you become distant and withdrawn. For a mature woman, she is more threatening than an expression of anger.

Picking partners who need to be rescued

Both sexes can suffer from "White Knight Syndrome" - the desire to save the romantic partner of his personal problems. But as the white knight also play the traditional role of care a woman might end up hiding her true motives and his companion and himself, LeslieBeth Wish, a social worker in Sarasota, FL, who writes, " Actually Relationship "column. "If you feel psychologically damaged or empty, you're the black sheep in your family, for example, you can choose someone who is poor and therefore more vulnerable than you," Wish says, adding: "A man must ask:" I tend to be cyclical patterns in women who are looking at me? I would be a beautiful woman who makes more money or more than me, there are many advantages and features, it has serious limitations? '"


Despite the triumphant image, the "player" or "Lady Killer" (to use the word quaint days of our grandparents) may not be as safe as it seems. "Deception is a way to build a shield of privacy and protect themselves not to get hurt," says Karen Shanor, a clinical psychologist and neuropsychologist in private practice in Washington, DC, and author of seven books on relationships . "Many times early in a relationship, we receive many signs that a person is not trustworthy," Shanor said. People in emotional awareness to respond to these warning signs coming out as quickly as possible. However, some men engage in this Shanor called "defensive trap" thinking. "You better cheat on his first so you do not hurt me"

"Gloria Tate, Dallas-based family counselor, says the man who has learned to hide his anger to punish his partner in many ways:" The public thinks that only women retain affection, but to control the behavior of men, too. Some men are doing it for years. Men also cheat when they are angry. "

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