Selasa, 19 Juli 2011

How 'Captain America' star transformed

The story of Captain America is well covered in the comic tradition: skin and bones, bullying orphan named Steve Rogers was selected top-secret project of the government during the Second World War, where it will be a test subject super-serum.

The serum was transformed into a strong and capable soldier called Captain America, and leads the U.S. military in their struggle against the Nazis.

Actor Chris Evans, who plays the title character in the Friday release of "Captain America: The First Avenger" was 15 pounds. muscle for the role.

Problem: he got too big for Steve Rodgers. Solution: The "Skinny Steve."

Be taken literally built on Evans, the film is directed by Joe Johnston, known as the "perfect model human being", the film makers had to understand how six feet tall, muscular actor could convincingly describe the physical up-the serum before Steve Rogers, skinny kid is only 90-something kg.

Hollywood has tried to screen the body changes in many ways over the years. The cast and crew of the 2000 film "Cast Away" took a break throughout the year for its star, Tom Hanks - who gained 50 pounds. for the role - could lose weight to look like they were stranded on a tropical island for years.

A choice of "Captain America" ​​was to superimpose the head of Evans on two skinny body, like the technology used by film director David Fincher in "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" when Brad Pitt was in age back.

Fincher last year used the same technique of "The Social Network", where he played Armie Hammer twin brother Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss Winklevoss, what it meant to digitally hammer head on the body of actor Josh pence a.

"SKINNY Steve 'rescue

On the "Captain America", there was no way to take a year off because of its donors to Marvel Studios has been on a tight schedule to deploy their heroes one by one - including the last "Thor" - so that the audience will be familiar with most of them when they go into next summer "The Avengers".

As Fincher in "social networks", the first Director Johnston hired a body double and used his system to replace the head in a scene where Steve Rogers was lying on a table. But he quickly realized he could not work for other sequences.

"Chris is moving in a unique way, it moves like no other," said Johnston. "The Body Double could not move like him. As hard as he tried to see Chris and replicate the movements, it was simply not the same. "

It 'was a perfectly fine Evans, who was not anxious to take another player involved in the creation of the iconic role.

"The film is so important to prefix the audience invested in that Steve is, I do not want to share that part of the performance of another actor," Evans, 30, told Reuters. "I talked to Joe about it and luckily he agreed."

Instead of the double body / head superimposed, the filmmakers used a "contraction" technique and computers to erase parts of physics Evans most powerful on the screen.

"We shot over 250 photos of Chris and used digital technology to" reduce him to what we called "Skinny Steve," said Johnston.

"It's pretty amazing," added Evans. "They took the shape of my jaw line, they shrunk my skeleton and made my shoulders narrower."

Although it may seem easy, it was not. Whenever the body of Evans crossed the line of contact and digital creases, created a gap in the back that needed to be filled

More shots would be filmed with green screens simply to superimpose the nature that normally would have been that there was really bulky Evans was a little disjointed Steve Rogers.

"It 'was a very laborious process," Johnston said. "It took all the pre-production and most of the production to make all 250 shots."

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