Rabu, 20 Juli 2011

Gang of Six Meeting and The outlook ahead

During that time, however, Coburn was close to his Republican colleagues in the old group. As reported in Politico, Chambliss met Coburn, GOP leader of the group, on a daily basis. Since negotiations with the White House has refused Chambliss Coburn persuaded to return. He accepted, and others pleased with him.

With only weeks to go before the deadline for the debt ceiling, the band was back with a plan in hand.

The outlook ahead
It is always to be seen whether the latest plan to gain ground in Congress. And the likelihood that Congress can actually pass a version of the band plan seems quite remote at this late hour. The Congressional Budget Office nonpartisan, which determines the cost of all the bills still have to dial plan, a process that can take several days. From this point, a bill to establish the band's proposals that require a lengthy debate in the committees of Congress, and then the floor of the room and finally vote.

"This is not ready for prime time," Durbin said this week.

Legislators may be able to buy more time to a long-term task that both sides can find an acceptable means of extending the short term - even though Obama has rejected this option in the first discussions of the debt ceiling.

However, the cuts announced by the Gang of Six, after months of negotiations and drama filled, at least give lawmakers a theoretical starting point - something more than the rate of crushing debt limit negotiations were to Washington so far.

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