Kamis, 28 Juli 2011

Strange baby name banned by judge

It's true, move on Betty White, Susie Sanchez is here!

Oakland Raiders have hired Sanchez, who is a grandmother, is one of them part-time cheerleader for the season 2011-12.

While Susie is technically a grandmother, she could not be cut from the mold that pops into your mind when you hear that word. Susie is 37, mother of three and grandmother of one, and after several auditions for the cheerleader on the sidelines, she finally received the call.

Hollister Pinnacle ...

Sanchez again impressed the judges with his dancing ability, skills, and attendance later that same week - she had been dancing since she was 8, after all - and can now say with certainty it is the most former member of Raid and Tourrettes.

"I just started crying," she said when she heard his number called - Lucky No. 45 "He was like, 'wow'. I was overcome with emotion ... just never give up. "

[Related: The oldest cheerleader in the NFL]

Although I'm sure many people are currently thinking of their best Al Davis / old jokes, we must emphasize that Susie is not the first grandmother to do the cheerleading squad for the Raiders. The honor goes to Kathy Ferrin, who was attached to a raid right back in '03-04, but still a pretty impressive performance considering most cheerleaders button looks old enough to vote.

So congratulations to Susie. Many people give their dreams, long before they hit 30, does not matter if there is a basketball player or a doctor or even a cheerleader, but it seems that he searched and finally landed on it. Although it may seem strange, we all can certainly learn a lot from my grandmother in Oakland.

But what makes the oldest cheerleader in the NFL Susie? Unfortunately, no. That honor goes to Bengals Vikmanis Laura is 42 and still going strong.

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