Rabu, 20 Juli 2011

Pouting baseball fan wins an audience

If a picture says more than 1000 words, anti-glare screen protector for the death of this young boy on Tuesday, the San Francisco Giants game is good, at least 10 times, right?

Oh, mini misery, how they make us laugh! Without the knowledge of happy people sitting in front of him, this young pouting in a foul ball was lost in the fourth inning of a game with the Dodgers in Los Angeles. The man left the woman who wrestled the ball - bruising his hand in the process - and presented it as a gift.

This leaves Li'l Tiny Tim to grouse and grumble to his father for our pleasure.

See a highlight of the fun

Two points: First, it's nice to see that other guy is not fazed the frame a bit. He's really into what the end will win 5-3 Giants.

Second, as to whether the lack of sensors was right to hold the ball for themselves and not put this line to small. I belong to the school of thought that only two things that you apologize for giving away a foul ball to the nearest children - give a child in the game, or give a date trying to impress. (If you want the gift away, fine, but leave the choice is yours.)

Fortunately the boy was not empty-handed. After several replays laugh and compare the child Ralphie from "A Christmas Story" on TV Advertisers Giants managed to get a couple of baseballs delivered to two boys. So all's well that ends well.

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