Sabtu, 23 Juli 2011

Inside Amy Winehouse's troubled life

When news that a British R & B star and tabloid target Amy Winehouse is not dead yet secret reasons, two things are clear: the world of music lost one of the most intensely soulful voice, and this is a tragedy that has surprised anyone. Winehouse's battles with drugs and alcohol was often in public, and even manage your music, including his most famous hit, "Rehab."

Color, Amy Winehouse troubled life has fought many demons, addictions, eating disorders and especially tumultuous love life.

His struggle to stay sober
Although she broke through to an international audience with a song that had something to say "no, no, no" to claim his record company it belonged in rehab, he did not take long for fans realize it was a problem of alcohol abuse that often occurs in what appeared to be a drunk, while the scene (the only time she left the stage to vomit) and during television appearances. Admissions, allegedly related to drugs or drinking, were frequent. A video leak of a woman who claimed to be Winehouse smoking what appeared to be crack pipes and snorting cocaine made tabloid sensation and causing the police to investigate but no charges were brought against him.

Winehouse was aware of his problems: while resistance first record company attempts to put in rehab, she willingly checked into a center around that time. And in 2009, Amy Winehouse's father Mitch, who had often expressed concern about his health for the media, said she had entered a program to deal with his addiction, but he admitted that n ' there was "little step back - not drug-related setbacks, several glasses back if you follow my operation."

His father was not so discreet about his drug problems: He once told British journalists that his daughter had lung damage crack cocaine and cigarettes, and his body showed signs of what could lead to early emphysema.

Also in the rotation was smoking marijuana, in 2007, Amy Winehouse and her husband, then arrested in Norway and fined for possession of marijuana.

Amy Winehouse interview confessional stand 60 minutes, but not exactly trying to hide his history with drugs and alcohol, either. When asked by Rolling Stone in 2006 that his worst vice, she simply said, "especially because I'm quite reckless and always throw caution."

His friend and bad girl of British singer Lily Allen once said of him:

"I know that Amy Winehouse a lot. And he is very different from what people describe it is. Yes, it should not be mad on drugs in the past, but it is also a highly skilled, intelligent, witty, funny person that can hold together . just do not see that side. "

Health Problems
Even before she is renowned, which probably contributed to enable him to drug addiction, Amy Winehouse has been open to other health problems, admits struggling with a disorder, eating tapping and depression several times. Pictures of emaciated Winehouse pops was always during the year that fans to worry, she did not take care of her frail body, a fear of new publicly validated by his own father when he spoke to the media about her bulimia in 2007.

As for your cutting problems, Amy Winehouse seems to have moved beyond that as it grew, however, during an interview with a reporter from Spin magazine, Amy Winehouse began carving his name inexplicably her boyfriend, then (and future ex-husband) Blake Fielder-Civil on his stomach with a piece of glass.

Bat public

Like many who abuse alcohol, Amy Winehouse was a trend toward physical fighting. In 2008, he admitted to slapping a man in public and apologized for the assault, which only received a warning from the police. But a few months later, the audience got to throw a punch at a fan who had grabbed her breasts.

Love life

Violence was the same long-term flame Winehouse Blake Fielder-Civil. He was upset with him that drove many of his writings in his acclaimed album Black back, so it was a surprise to family and friends when he secretly married in 2007. But married life did not help calm his tumultuous life. Shortly after marrying, the couple was photographed arm, each of them bloodied and bruised amid reports that he had fought the day before. Amy Winehouse has defended her husband and said, self-injury, a claim that was met with public skepticism.

Fielder-Civil was imprisoned from July 2008 to February 2009, after pleading guilty to assault the bartender among other charges. The two divorced shortly after his release, with Winehouse, saying: ". The whole marriage was based on doing drugs," Fielder-Civil has started before the divorce, Winehouse would start dating a younger actor for a short period .


His father, who recently canceled a concert of jazz in New York from his plane back to London itself, was an expression of alarm and concern for his daughter's welfare for years, publicly referring to his problems heroin, cocaine and alcohol when advertisers Winehouse has remained silent. They even had their problems with smoking, said in an interview with Sky News (via Access Hollywood) earlier this month: "She had a serious health problem My biggest fear is that they will die and it will not die of an overdose. She is dying of emphysema.'d be talking about a slow and painful death, gasping for air. "

New problem
As recently as last month, however, inadvertently Winehouse revealed that all was not well. Video captured by his show in Belgrade, in an exhibition that was to launch his European tour was canceled immediately showed him forget the words, staggering and being booed by disgruntled fans. If she was drunk or not, it was clear that Winehouse was released from the demons that overwhelmed him. Hopefully now that she has found some peace.

For a sad look, which was a month ago, here's an excerpt from his show "tears dry on their own" unfortunate concert in Belgrade

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